Volunteering as a Mission Team
It is exciting to work with teams that have the desire to make a difference in the lives of the children at Casa Hogar. Mission teams have the unique opportunity to be part of the everday life at Casa Hogar for 7-10 days. And from that, as Father Walijewski had envisioned Reverse Mission, the team members are encouraged to take their missionary hearts back to their own communities to make a difference right there at home.
As is the case for most mission trips, there is a service component with this mission trip. Generally, the project is determined by Casa Hogar but if the mission team has a particular interest in doing something special, they can propose the activity to Casa. Plans will be set between the team leader and Noel prior to departure from the United States so that clothes and supplies are brought if needed.
Having said that, the service project is NOT the main point of the trip. The main point of the trip is to have the team immersed in life at Casa Hogar which means spending time with the children and families. Living a life similar to the Casa family with meals, cleaning and a schedule incorporating the main activities for the time you are at the orphanage. And of course, attending Mass and Holy Hour.

Getting a mission trip started.
Mission teams are comprised of up to 15 people (max) from 16 years to 99 years of age. Each team must have no less than 2 team chaperones, or more based on the requirements of their home parish or school. The 15-person team includes leader, chaperones and team members.
The first step to get a trip started is to contact Casa Hogar to discuss the specifics of the team and the openings for mission trips. Once a team is officially scheduled, the team will be responsible for all communication with Casa Hogar, as well as completing all the paperwork and other requirements asked of the teams.
We appreciate your desire to help at Casa Hogar and are looking forward to getting to know you better throughout your stay. The kids are always eager to meet those who make their life in Peru possible. While you are at Casa Hogar, we ask that you follow certain guidelines for the benefit of our kids, families, and staff, and so your stay goes smoothly. We want you to make yourself at home, so please feel free to ask questions at any time.
Paperwork and tasks that must be completed by mission team members:
Getting Started
Abide by the rules and regulations of Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II. See information below. For your convenience we have prepared information to help you before you leave and when you arrive at Casa Hogar. This information is important and all team members should read before packing and arriving at Casa Hogar.
Leader Paperwork
Paperwork should be supplied to Casa Hogar no later than 4 weeks before departure. Leader Checklist
Safe Environment Training
All participants 16 years of age and older must complete the Diocese of La Crosse Safe Environment volunteer training.
Adult Team Members
Adult Comprehensive Medical Release and Event Form should be completed by all team members 18 years and older regardless of whether they are still in high school.
Minor Team Members
Minor Comprehensive Medical Release and Permission Form should be completed by all minor participants.
Volunteering as a Long-term Volunteer
As you can imagine, there are never enough hands when it comes to raising 64 children, with 64 different sets of needs. To help with this, long-term volunteers are brought to Casa Hogar to help in a variety of ways. First, the main priority of a volunteer is to be completely integrated in the culture of life at Casa Hogar. That means working with the kids and families and assisting with projects, events and areas that are short staffed or have the greatest need. Secondly, the volunteer works with Msgr. Joseph Hirsch to assist him in various projects and act as the liaison between him and mission teams. This role is vital as groups require complete attention before and during their stay. Finally, the volunteer works with the Director of Development in the United States to assist with work that needs to be completed on the ground at Casa.In addition to these duties. Casa Hogar works to utilize the specific talents of each volunteer, based on the duration of stay and the volunteer’s interests and capabilities.
All prospective volunteers must complete an application process before being accepted as a long term volunteer. To apply, candidates must be:
- 21 years of age or older
- Willing to stay 3-12 months fully participate in life at Casa Hogar (7) days a week.
- Have a minimum of an intermediate understanding of the Spanish language.
- Able to successfully complete the Diocese of La Crosse Safe Environment Training and Background Check process.
- Willing to abide by the rules and regulations of Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II. Agreement must be signed prior to volunteer experience start date.
- Able to assume financial responsibility for airfare to and from Peru is of the volunteer, as well as the cost of $100/month for room and board. All personal expenses are the responsibility of the volunteer.
Application Process:
Letters of Reference
Once application is approved, candidate must submit 2 letters of reference with one from a religious figure. Letters can be sent to info@frjoesguild.org.
Safe Environment Requirements
Complete the Diocese of La Crosse Safe Environment requirements:
Volunteering From Home
Can’t travel to Peru? That’s okay, there are many ways you can support Casa Hogar from where you are. Help is often needed for projects, events, and promotion of the Legacy Guild and Casa Hogar. Gathering donations or fundraising for supplies or special projects at Casa Hogar is also very helpful.
If your parish, school, mission club or just a group of friends would like to collaborate in raising money to buy supplies needed at Casa Hogar or host a drive to gather donations, we have a wish list updated frequently to help our supporters know what are the greatest needs for the children and families at Casa Hogar.

Volunteering as a Parish
There are many ways that your parish can assist Casa Hogar. Here are the 5 easiest ways to share the story of Servant of God, Padre Jose:
1. Parish Presentation – Let us tell the story of Padre Jose’ life and the good work he did as a missionary priest in South America. This one evening presentation will share with your parishioners the impact he had on the poor in South America.
2. Faith Formation Night – Bring the social justice message to your faith formation program with a short Padre Jose presentation. After which, the students will be able to talk with the children at Casa Hogar via a Zoom call.
3. Project Milk – Project Milk fundraisers are a great way to help 1000’s of children and adults in Peru while supporting the dairy farmers of Wisconsin.
4. Mission Trip – Send a mission team to Casa Hogar for a week and see the difference it makes in the lives of your teens and young adults who learn what Reverse Mission means.

5. Parish Sponsorship – Through this program, your parish family can help us to carry on the legacy of Padre Jose. Your parish will have an opportunity to build a relationship with a child or family at Casa Hogar with cards, letters, and pictures sent to your parish throughout the year.